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泡泡學園課外教材 (顏色與形狀) 英文學習卡 - 冊1 Bubbles Academy - Discovery the stuffs around you! (Colours and Shapes) Flash Card Vol.1


泡泡學園課外教材 (顏色與形狀) 英文學習卡 - 冊1 Bubbles Academy - Discovery the stuffs around you! (Colours and Shapes) Flash Card Vol.1

建議售價: HKD$135.00

Special Price HKD$125.00

庫存狀態: 缺貨

產品特色 (Features):

英文學習卡 Vocabulary Cards

合兩歲或以上 For Age 2+

引起孩子對周圍環境的好奇 Arouse curiosity about the enviroment around

拓展語言能力 Expand language skills

發展運算能力 Develop numeracy skills

培養創造力 Nurture creativity

產品描述 (Description):



1. 8張顏色卡

2. 8張形狀卡 (以透明膠片製作)

3. 1張精美貼紙

4. 家長/導師活動建議指南

This set of English learning cards accompany kids to be creative, learn and apply colours and shapes to things around them.

Each pack includes:

1. 8 cards of colours

2. 8 cards of shapes (plastic cards with transparent shapes printed on)

3. Stickers

4. Parent/Teacher activity guide



產地 (Country of Origin):中國香港 HKSAR China