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Goppion Caffe - Jamaica Blue Mountain Drip Bag Coffee 意大利牙買加藍山咖啡 - 掛耳式咖啡包 x 5包


Goppion Caffe - Jamaica Blue Mountain Drip Bag Coffee 意大利牙買加藍山咖啡 - 掛耳式咖啡包 x 5包

庫存狀態: 有庫存

產品特色 (Features):

濾掛式咖啡 Drip Bag Coffee

為保存咖啡質量, 即訂即做, 兩個月保質期 To preserve the quality of coffee, Make to order, Two Months Shelf Life

產品描述 (Description):

一次穿越歷史旅程中的非凡品味, 在一個崇高的地方, 雲層親吻著牙買加地區, 時間似乎靜止了,這裏年覆一年, 來自大自然的厚愛從沒有停止過。這裏得天獨厚的自然風光為咖啡灌木的果實提供他們獨特的滋養方式, 他們被富含礦物質的土壤擁抱著, 還有山脈為他們遮擋陰涼, 海風和充足的陽光, 都以獨特的方式呵護著他們。


來自中美洲和南美洲的著名JaBlMo咖啡, 還有來自危地馬拉綠色高原地精致的薇薇特南果咖啡豆, 來自牙買加含有獨特尊貴香氣的珍貴藍山咖啡。這些都是可以讓咖啡愛好者能夠享受到終身難忘的快樂體驗。

A Journey through the history of an extraordinary tatse. In one lofty, cloud-kissed region of Jamaica where time seems to have stood still, the scene unfolds season after season. Embraced by the mineral-rich soil, mountain shade, sea breezes and ample sunlight, the coffee bushes offer their unique fruit.

Unique, coffee lovers worldwide agree, because the exotic sweetness of Jamaica Blue Mountain® coffee has a character all of its own.

The renowned JaBlMo® comes from Central and South America, includes the exquisite Huehuetenango coffee beans from the green highlands of Guatemala, exalted by the unique aroma of the precious Jamaica Blue Mountain®. An unforgettable pleasure dedicated to coffee lovers.

風味 (Taste): 


Sweet and mild tasting with a chocolate and slightly flowery after-taste. Very low caffeine content. Recommended for youthful, trend-setting spots and sophisticated restaurants. Indicated for espresso coffee, to be served with pastry. Favourable combinations: very high quality catering, nouvelle cuisine.



成份 (Ingredients):來自中美洲和南美的100%精選阿拉比卡咖啡豆混合而成, 結合精美的牙買加南山咖啡 Blend of 100% selected Arabica coffee beans from Central and South America including the exquisite Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee

產地 (Country of Origin):意大利 Italy

淨重量 (Net Weight):10 克 gram