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廣林福 - 老白茶牡丹 2003 Guang Lin Fu Aged White Tea 2003


廣林福 - 老白茶牡丹 2003 Guang Lin Fu Aged White Tea 2003

庫存狀態: 有庫存

產品特色(Feature) :

企業生產許可 Business Manufacturer Certified (QS)

  • (白牡丹級)2003年 採摘2013年 壓餅

  • 一芽兩葉 | 富甜韻清熱降火 | 美顏佳品

  • 「茶者以火作為次,生哂者為上,亦更近自然,且斷煙火氣耳。」《煮泉小品》

  • 「有退熱祛暑解毒之功。」

  • 「白牡丹的製造不經炒揉,只有萎凋及焙乾兩道工序,但工藝不易掌握。」

  • 「一年茶,三年藥,七年寶。」

  • 適合大部分人飲用

  • 有收共藏價值

  • 黃酮,抗氧劑,Chael/Dior

存方法 : 宜放於陰涼地方,避免陽光照射。

生產日期(Manufacture Date/0:16/10/2013

淨重(Net weight):316克



高度重視茶葉質量安全體系建設,2007年共送檢茶葉樣品215批次,2008年送檢312次,2009年抽檢300多批次毛茶,合格率均達到100%。 全市共推廣無公害茶園20萬畝,也是全省推廣面積最大的縣市。 



Pay more attention to tea quality and safety system, the submission tea samples have been inspected 215 batches in 2007, there are 312 batch in 2008, there are 300 batch primary tea has been inspected, the passing rate of 100%, the city promote pollution-free tea plantation of 2000mu,it is the largest promotion area city and county.

Fuding white tea select high quality white and cents shoot, without rubbing fired with special processing technology. Neither destroy the activity of the enzyme and do not promote the oxidation, the maximum extent to retain the nutrients of the tea, it is the most primitive, most natural and most healthy tea.

 As the <Minxiaoji> which written by the scholar Zhoulianggong of Qing dynasty recorded, Tai Mu hill white silver needle(white tea). <The record of Tai Mu hill> further explained, white tea brings
down a fever, it's the holy, medicine to cure measles. The Chinese medicine pharmacology proved that white tea has disintoxication. clears internal heat, even the effects of curing diseases.