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CHOICE - 美國有機洋甘菊茶 (不含咖啡因) Organic CHAMOMILE Tea (caffeine free)

CHOICE - 美國有機洋甘菊茶 (不含咖啡因) Organic CHAMOMILE Tea (caffeine free)

庫存狀態: 缺貨

產品特色 (Features):

美國農業有機認證  USDA Organic Certification

非基因改造 Non-GMO

風力農產品 Wind Power

猶太潔食 Kosher

完全可生物降解 100% Biodegradable

未經漂白的天然纖維無釘茶袋 Unbleached, natural fiber, staple-free tea bag

獨立紙封包裝 Individually labeled paper envelope

產品描述 (Description):


Treat yourself to a cup of peace and quiet. Treasured through the ages for its soothing effects, this flower holds an honored place in herbal remedy folklore. Our select Egyptian chamomile has a round, deep body and lingering sweetness with an elegant, floral flavor. It's free of caffeine to create an oasis of calm.



成分 (Ingredients):有機洋甘菊花 Organic Chamomile Flowers

產地 (Origin):埃及 Egypt (在美國包裝 Packed in United States)

此日期前最佳 (Best Before) : 4 Oct 2022

淨重量 (Net Weight):14 克 gram (16 x  茶包 Tea Bags / 每盒 Per Box)