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澳洲強化玻璃矽膠帶咖啡杯 (中) Keep Cup Brew Toughened Glass Coffee Cup with Silicone Band (Medium)


澳洲強化玻璃矽膠帶咖啡杯 (中) Keep Cup Brew Toughened Glass Coffee Cup with Silicone Band (Medium)

庫存狀態: 有庫存

產品特色 (Features):

可重複使用的杯子 Reusable cup

堅固, 由回火鈉鈣玻璃製成 Tough, made of tempered soda-lime glass

可更換的組件 Replaceable components available

微波爐和洗碗機安全使用 Microwave & Dishwasher safe

玻璃杯和矽膠帶可以進入微波爐並加熱到100°C / 212°F The glass cup and silicone band can go in the microwave and be heated to 100 °C/ 212 °F

防濺, 可密封的蓋子和塞子 Splash proof, sealable lid & Plug

符合職業安全和健康標準 Meets occupational safety and Health Standards

隨手隨行的好物 Perfect on the go cup. 

駕駛, 騎乘或推嬰兒車時可用, 設計適合大多數杯架 Driving, riding or pushing a pram, keep cup is designed to fit into most cup holders

被咖啡及特種行業廣泛接受和認可 Widely accepted and endorsed by the specialty coffee industry

咖啡師標準意味著我們的產品適合在咖啡機使用, 並輕鬆適應繁忙的服務環境 Barista standard means our products are fit for purpose behind the coffee Machine, and fit Easily into a busy service environment

產品描述 (Description)



The world's first barista standard reusable cup.

Designed to enjoy the craft and sensory pleasure of coffee on the go.



物料 (Material):

杯子: 鋼化玻璃 / Cup: Tempered glass

帶: 矽膠#7 / Band: Silicone #7

蓋子: 聚丙烯合金#7 / Lid: Polypropylene alloy #7

掩蓋: 低密度聚乙烯#4 / Plug: LDPE #4

產地 (Country of Origin):澳洲 Australia

容量 (Capacity):12 安士 oz (340 毫升 ml)