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美國超級食品 - 綠色螺旋粉 Cybele's Free to Eat Superfood - Green Rotini


美國超級食品 - 綠色螺旋粉 Cybele's Free to Eat Superfood - Green Rotini

庫存狀態: 缺貨

品特色 (Features):

全素 Vegan

沒有過敏物質 Allergy-friendly

不含麩質 Gluten-free

植物性飲食 Plant-based

非基因改造 Non-GMO

不含人工防腐劑 Free from Artificial Preservatives

沒有添加顏色和味道 Free from Colors and Flavors

產品描述 (Description):

Cybele's 美味超級食物素麵食富含蛋白質 (最多25克),含一份食用蔬菜,纖維含量是傳統麵食的兩倍,並且富含植物性營養素。易於製作且用途廣泛,可不搭配或搭配自己喜歡的醬汁,意大利面沙拉或砂鍋菜 - 選項無窮!

Cybele's Free to Eat delicious superfood veggie pasta is high in protein (up to 25 grams), has more than one full serving of veggies, twice the fiber of traditional pasta, and is packed full of plant-based nutrients. Easy to make and versatile for a variety of dishes, with your favorite sauce, or without, in pasta salad or casseroles - the options are endless!



成分 (Ingredients):綠扁豆,羽衣甘藍,西蘭花和菠菜。 Green Lentil, Kale, Broccoli and Spinach.

產地 (Country of Origin):美國 United States

淨重量 (Net Weight):227 克 gram