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韓國人參 紅參

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5 個項目

  1. 江開商人 - 韓國高麗紅蔘粉末 60克  KANGGAE MERCHANT - Goryeo Red Ginseng Powder Gold 60g

    產品特色 (Features):

    百分百纯素 100% Vegan

    產品描述 (Description):


    Relieves Stress and Fatigue - Korean red ginseng may be taken to combat weakness and add extra energy to an athletic performance. Ginsenosides, which are found in Korean red ginseng, are also valued for their ability to boost mental efficiency and relieve mental fatigue. Ginsenosides are believed to work as natural adaptogens in the body, meaning that they allow the body to adapt to stress in a natural manner. Korean red ginseng is said to work on the nervous system as a natural tranquilizer and is believed to boost metabolism function as well.

    For the Sex Organs - Increasing natural testosterone levels as well as blood flow to the penis, perhaps the most widely recognized effect of Korean red ginseng is its libido-enhancing effects on the male sex glands. As ginseng has also been found to stimulate estrogen production in women, those who are in the early stages of menopause may benefit from supplementing their diet with Korean red ginseng.

    Additional Benefits - It is believed to strengthen immunity due to its natural vitamin and mineral content and may be used as a natural detoxifier. Korean red ginseng reduces cortisol levels in the bloodstream, which is useful to diabetics, as cortisol interferes with insulin production. As a high dosage of ginseng reduces blood pressure, Korean red ginseng may be especially beneficial for individuals with hypertension. Anti-inflammatory properties found in Korean red ginseng may be helpful for treating rheumatoid arthritis without the use of steroids.

    服用方法 (Dosage):

    每天服用1至-3次, 每次1小勺 (1-2克)。Take 1-3 times daily, 1 spoon (1-2g) each time.

    溶於冷 / 熱水飲用。Dissolve in cold or hot water.

    產地 (Country of Origin) : 韓國 Korea

    淨重量 (Net Weight) : 60克 gram

    食用日期Best before date: 30-09-2024

  2. 江開商人 - 韓國高麗紅蔘精華膏100克 Kanggae Merchant - Korean Red Ginseng Extract Gold Premium 100g

    產品特色 (Features):

    纯素 Vegan

    VIP限量版 VIP Edition

    產品描述 (Description):


    Relieves Stress and Fatigue - Korean red ginseng may be taken to combat weakness and add extra energy to an athletic performance. Ginsenosides, which are found in Korean red ginseng, are also valued for their ability to boost mental efficiency and relieve mental fatigue. Ginsenosides are believed to work as natural adaptogens in the body, meaning that they allow the body to adapt to stress in a natural manner. Korean red ginseng is said to work on the nervous system as a natural tranquilizer and is believed to boost metabolism function as well.

    For the Sex Organs - Increasing natural testosterone levels as well as blood flow to the penis, perhaps the most widely recognized effect of Korean red ginseng is its libido-enhancing effects on the male sex glands. As ginseng has also been found to stimulate estrogen production in women, those who are in the early stages of menopause may benefit from supplementing their diet with Korean red ginseng.

    Additional Benefits - It is believed to strengthen immunity due to its natural vitamin and mineral content and may be used as a natural detoxifier. Korean red ginseng reduces cortisol levels in the bloodstream, which is useful to diabetics, as cortisol interferes with insulin production. As a high dosage of ginseng reduces blood pressure, Korean red ginseng may be especially beneficial for individuals with hypertension. Anti-inflammatory properties found in Korean red ginseng may be helpful for treating rheumatoid arthritis without the use of steroids.

    服用方法 (Dosage):

    每天服用1至2次, 每次1小勺 (1-2克)。Take 1-2 times daily, 1 spoon (1-2g) each time.

    可直接含服或加入熱水/湯類同飲。Dissolve in mouth or add into hot water / soup.

  3. 江開商人 - 韓國高麗黃金紅蔘茶 Kanggae Merchant - Korean Red Ginseng Tea Gold

    產品特色 (Features):

    纯素 Vegan

    服用方法 (Dosage):

    每天三次, 每次一包。Take three times per day, one packet for each time.

    加入熱水或湯類同飲。Can add into hot water or soup for drink.


    產品特色 (Features):

    百分百纯素 100% Vegan

    產品描述 (Description):


    Relieves Stress and Fatigue - Korean red ginseng may be taken to combat weakness and add extra energy to an athletic performance. Ginsenosides, which are found in Korean red ginseng, are also valued for their ability to boost mental efficiency and relieve mental fatigue. Ginsenosides are believed to work as natural adaptogens in the body, meaning that they allow the body to adapt to stress in a natural manner. Korean red ginseng is said to work on the nervous system as a natural tranquilizer and is believed to boost metabolism function as well.

    For the Sex Organs - Increasing natural testosterone levels as well as blood flow to the penis, perhaps the most widely recognized effect of Korean red ginseng is its libido-enhancing effects on the male sex glands. As ginseng has also been found to stimulate estrogen production in women, those who are in the early stages of menopause may benefit from supplementing their diet with Korean red ginseng.

    Additional Benefits - It is believed to strengthen immunity due to its natural vitamin and mineral content and may be used as a natural detoxifier. Korean red ginseng reduces cortisol levels in the bloodstream, which is useful to diabetics, as cortisol interferes with insulin production. As a high dosage of ginseng reduces blood pressure, Korean red ginseng may be especially beneficial for individuals with hypertension. Anti-inflammatory properties found in Korean red ginseng may be helpful for treating rheumatoid arthritis without the use of steroids.

    服用方法 (Dosage):

    每天服用1至2次, 每次1小勺 (1-2克)。Take 1-2 times daily, 1 spoon (1-2g) each time.

    可直接含服或加入熱水/湯類同飲。Dissolve in mouth or add into hot water / soup.

  5. 江開商人 - 韓國高麗紅蔘粉末 (禮盒裝) KANGGAE MERCHANT - Goryeo Red Ginseng Powder Gold (BOX SET)

    產品特色 (Features):

    纯素 Vegan

    產品描述 (Description):


    Relieves Stress and Fatigue - Korean red ginseng may be taken to combat weakness and add extra energy to an athletic performance. Ginsenosides, which are found in Korean red ginseng, are also valued for their ability to boost mental efficiency and relieve mental fatigue. Ginsenosides are believed to work as natural adaptogens in the body, meaning that they allow the body to adapt to stress in a natural manner. Korean red ginseng is said to work on the nervous system as a natural tranquilizer and is believed to boost metabolism function as well.

    For the Sex Organs - Increasing natural testosterone levels as well as blood flow to the penis, perhaps the most widely recognized effect of Korean red ginseng is its libido-enhancing effects on the male sex glands. As ginseng has also been found to stimulate estrogen production in women, those who are in the early stages of menopause may benefit from supplementing their diet with Korean red ginseng.

    Additional Benefits - It is believed to strengthen immunity due to its natural vitamin and mineral content and may be used as a natural detoxifier. Korean red ginseng reduces cortisol levels in the bloodstream, which is useful to diabetics, as cortisol interferes with insulin production. As a high dosage of ginseng reduces blood pressure, Korean red ginseng may be especially beneficial for individuals with hypertension. Anti-inflammatory properties found in Korean red ginseng may be helpful for treating rheumatoid arthritis without the use of steroids.

    服用方法 (Dosage):

    每天服用1至-3次, 每次1小勺 (1-2克)。Take 1-3 times daily, 1 spoon (1-2g) each time.

    溶於冷 / 熱水飲用。Dissolve in cold or hot water.

    產地 (Country of Origin) : 韓國 Korea

    淨重量 (Net Weight) : 3件 pcs x 60克 gram / 盒裝 Box set

    食用日期Best before date: 30-09-2024


表格 清單


5 個項目