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江開商人 - 韓國紅石榴精華飲 Kanggae Merchant - Korean Pomegranate Extract


江開商人 - 韓國紅石榴精華飲 Kanggae Merchant - Korean Pomegranate Extract

建議售價: HKD$338.00

Special Price HKD$328.00

庫存狀態: 缺貨

產品特色 (Features):

纯素 Vegan

產品描述 (Description):

安全、有效調節女性內分泌。Safe and effective in regulating female endocrine.

迅速消除疲勞,克服中年女性亞健康頑疾。Quickly eliminates fatigue and overcomes the sub-health of middle-aged women.

治癒健忘失眠頑疾。Cure the forgetfulness and insomnia.

服用方法 (Dosage):

一日三次, 每次一包。Take three times per day, one packet each time.

即開飲用。Drink instantly.

此日期食用前最佳:  6 Oct 2021



成份 (Ingredients) : 紅石榴 Pomegranate

產地 (Country of Origin) : 韓國 Korea

淨重量 (Net Weight) : 10 毫升 ml x 30 包 packet