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艾草之家 - 艾草潔膚皂 Ai Tsao Farmer - Artemisia Cleansing Soap


艾草之家 - 艾草潔膚皂 Ai Tsao Farmer - Artemisia Cleansing Soap

庫存狀態: 有庫存

產品特色 (Features):

百分百纯素 100% Vegan

通過SGS檢驗不含重金屬 SGS test passed

產品描述 (Description)

適用於清潔臉部及身體肌膚,擁有絕佳的潔淨效果。It is suitable for cleansing the face and body and has excellent cleansing effect.

結合傳統肥皂與手工皂優點,好洗又耐用。Combining the advantages of traditional soap and handmade soap, it is good to wash and durable.

含豐富甘油,泡沫細緻洗後保濕不乾澀。Rich in glycerin, help your skin to retain its natural moisture after washed.



成份 (Ingredients):艾草、芙蓉、茉草等萃取物、艾草精油、綠茶精油。Artemisia argyi, Cotton rose, Artemisiae argyi essential oil and green tea essential oil.

產地 (Country of Origin):台灣 Taiwan

淨重量 (Net Weight):120 克 gram