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百益 - 蜂膠和蜂蜜噴劑 Polenectar Propolis Extract and Honey Spray


百益 - 蜂膠和蜂蜜噴劑 Polenectar Propolis Extract and Honey Spray

庫存狀態: 缺貨

產品特色 (Features):

純素, 不含防腐劑和任何化學添加, 香料和色素, 有著清新宜人的味道。

Vegan, not containing any preservatives or chemical additives such as flavorings or colorings, with a pleasant taste.

產品描述 (Description)

這個產品是由最名貴的桉樹蜂膠組合而成的結果。廣泛應用於協助治療咽喉和口腔疾病, 由於方便攜帶, 可以在任何地點, 每天多次使用, 保持口氣清新。

This product is the ressult of combining the noblest Propolis Extract Polenectar, made mainly with "Green" Propolis, and the tastiest Honey. Can be used anywhere, serval times a day, due to the sprray bottle.

使用建議 (Recommendation of dosage)

成人每日三至六次, 直接噴於咽喉或口腔, 兒童劑量減半。

Adults use three to six times a day, directly spray into the throat or mouth, and the child's dose is halved.



成份 (Ingredients):蜂膠提取物 (其中含有 “綠” 蜂膠), 蜂蜜和蒸餾水。Propolis Extract (which includes "Green" Propolis in its composition), Honey and Distilled Water.

產地 (Country of Origin):巴西 Brazil

淨重量 (Net Weight):30 毫升 ml